2023 Coaches Summit

 The Coaches Summit is a workshop presented as a special project of the NSBA Foundation for equine industry professionals, therapeutic riding center coaches, staff, volunteers, or anyone interested in exploring opportunities for the engagement and expansion of current or new riding programs for Equestrians with Disabilities. The three-day program features instruction from industry professionals, post-secondary educators, therapeutic riding instructors, and business and industry professionals. 

The theme of the event is "A Model of Inclusion for All Riders". Instruction will concentrate on the value and inclusion of competition for Equestrians with Disabilities and veterans using horses as a form of therapeutic riding and also include grant writing, fundraising, strategies for building industry networks, and open discussion panels for each topic. 

Register Now

February 24-26, 2025

Open to all interested parties, registration includes two nights lodging, meals, local transportation, and educational material.

PATH Intl. Certified Professionals can receive continuing education credits for attending the Coaches Summit as outlined in their certification requirements.

For more information contact fdnadmin@nsba.com

Program Curriculum

Program Focus Points

  • Compare & contrast current programming to other programs who are currently competing at local, regional and national levels
  • Explore the value that the sport brings to therapeutic riding programs, their staff, riders and the families they serve 
  • Benefits of relationships & networks between professional horse training operations and therapeutic riding centers are explored

Additional Highlights

  • Overcoming barriers that currently prevent programs from having a network on a national scale
  • Define goals for your program 
  • Earn continuing education credits for PATH Intl Certified Professionals
  • Develop a plan of action to accomplish next steps that fit their program
  • Learn about preparing for competition, have a hands-on instructional experience from a professional horseman
  • Explore different fundraising and funding structures

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