Detail Scoring | Back to Index

Show #8092024 - 421 NSBA 444390 NSBA Color BCF 4-6 Year Old Open Western Riding
Judge(s): Garth Gooding, Jake Hartman, Mike Rapley, John Briggs
- Go 2 Final - #Shown: 4 -
Place Back# Earnings Horse Name Exhibitor Owner(s)
11472$1,560.43WellThereYouGoJamie Dowdy - Marshfield, MORenee Beau Norleen - Aubrey, TX
21409$1,213.67Made For LopinRyan Kail - Cave Creek, AZJason & Jennifer Knight - Peoria, AZ

Detail Scoring

Show #8092024 - 421 NSBA 444390 NSBA Color BCF 4-6 Year Old Open Western Riding
RankGarth GoodingJake HartmanMike RapleyJohn Briggs

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