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Insurance coverage designed for your agricultural and horse operations.

Markel Specialty has a network of exclusive insurance agents with lifetime industry experience, backed by a team of Markel Specialty associates with expertise in providing insurance solutions for your animal, farm, and business needs. With over 50 years of insuring horse owners, farms and equine operations, we have specialized policies to cover everyone from the private horse owner to your farm.

The National Snaffle Bit Association recently announced that the association has revamped how year-end award points are tabulated, beginning with the 2024 show year. The new point system will add a base point for each entry the horse places above to a maximum of 11 entries, which will then be added to the traditional points awarded.

The new point system will apply to year-end awards only. The traditional point system will be applied to official show records, Incentive Fund and Smart Points earnings calculations for all NSBA licensed horses.

For more information please see the News release: NSBA Revises Year End Award Point Calculation

U.S.A. & Canada Standings

Horse Standings

Popular 521.02 KB

Horse & Rider Standings

Rider Standings

Popular 287.08 KB

Overall Standings

Popular 864.33 KB

Europe Standings

Horse Standings

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Horse & Rider Standings

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