NSBA Expands Heroes on Horses Program with Charitable Donation from Arizona Family
GURNEE, Illinois – December 13, 2021 - The National Snaffle Bit Association (NSBA) in support of the NSBA Foundation today announced a 3-year commitment from the Bob and Ingrid Miller Family of Mesa, Arizona, that will allow NSBA to bring the Heroes on Horses program to a new venue in the Western United States, hosted as part of the 2022- 2024 Sun Circuit Quarter Horse show in Scottsdale, AZ.
This donation is an important milestone to meeting the goal to establish and expand the outreach to Veterans, beyond its current format, at the NSBA World Championship Show and All-American Quarter Horse Congress.
"It is our vision that this financial support will bring additional awareness to the “Model of Inclusion” the NSBA embodies, by including Veterans who participate in therapeutic riding programs across the country. My husband, Bob, & I feel this is a small way our family can say thank you to the brave men and women whose service and sacrifice allows us the freedom to enjoy and love our show horses", said Ingrid Miller, exhibitor, and lifetime member of the NSBA.
As part of the NSBA Equestrians with Disabilities division (EWD), the Heroes on Horses program is a catalyst for recognition, and thanks to our military service men and women who ride and compete. Having a third venue for the event will allow for:
• Inclusion and recognition of the families and heroes who have so valiantly served our country
• Bring attention to the therapeutic value of the horse and interaction with this population of riders
• Highlight the value of a competitive platform where Veterans can be recognized for advancing their horsemanship and riding skill sets and
• Raise awareness of the benefits of our sport as part of a wellness program for Veterans
“Today, there is great hope that the future of the business of showing horses, and including riders of all abilities, will continue to flourish. Our association can lead the way to building healthy, vibrant relationships, while providing a platform to recognize skill levels and growth of all our riders, who share the common love and respect that the horse brings to us all,” said Stephanie Lynn, Executive Director of NSBA.
Heroes on Horses is funded as a special project of the NSBA Foundation. For more information on the NSBA Foundation, contact Foundation Director Lynn Campbell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or www.nsba.com. Follow NSBA on Facebook, IG and YouTube.
About the Bob & Ingrid Miller Family
A lifelong horse advocate and showing enthusiast, Ingrid Miller grew up in California riding and showing on the fiercely competitive Open and AQHA Circuits.
She & Bob married in 1973, living in Walnut Creek and moving to Arizona in 2005. They both embody the Entrepreneurial spirit in their own company, Miller Arizona Investments.
The Millers have 2 children, and son, Sean, showed competitively in Youth Trail, showing Glows Jubilee.
Ingrid now shows The Rock and Roll Cowboy and Im Hott Your Nott in Select Trail, and the Millers spend their time enjoying & participating in their grandchildrens' activities, as well as any event that involves loving horses and going to horse shows.
About the NSBA
Established in 1983, the National Snaffle Bit Association has expanded from its roots of the pleasure horse to recognize various disciplines and eight breed associations in competition. NSBA’s mission is to grow the show horse community through various equine programs and events where every activity benefits horses, breeders, owners and exhibitors alike.
National Snaffle Bit Association, Inc. - 1391 St. Paul Avenue, Gurnee, IL 60031 - Phone: (847)-623-6722 - Fax: (847)-625-7435
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