Horse Lookup

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L067021 2017 Gelding Always On My Asset Allocate Your Assets Sheza Shooter Laurie Marie Robbins
L127178 2022 Gelding Always On The Rise Rise Above Aloneinthespotlight Ian Fruin
L003716 2009 Gelding Always Open Openrange Always Invite Megan Jill Case
L054432 2015 Mare Always Original No Doubt Im Lazy Chips Original Cooki Carole Lindsey
L061389 2012 Mare Always Right OQH Good As Always Showtime OQH Lauren Kiyota
L067993 2018 Mare Always Scenic Scenic Rio Krymsun Spicy Investment Diane Torrey
L006225 2006 ALWAYS SENSATIONAL Zippos Sensation Sammie Jo Decker DEBBIE ROWLEY
L050577 2014 Gelding Always Seymour One Hot Krymsun Shes Always The Talk Kathleen R Dolen
L119331 2019 Gelding Always Social Good Better Best The Good Wench Dr Kaylee Kathryn Bandy
L054026 2012 Gelding Always Somethin/Always Something The Ultimate Fancy Soaring Belle Kelly A Turner
L054440 2015 Gelding Always Southern Its A Southern Thing Always In Yer Dreams Rebecca Eno
L050013 2009 Gelding Always Talked About Always The Choice Zips Sweet Talker Marissa Steger
L130964 2022 Mare Always The Best The Best Martini Always Be Good Grace Ann Mindermann
L001775 2008 Gelding Always The Best Man RL Best Of Sudden Always Invite Holly Katie L Grossnickle
L062117 2017 Mare Always The Best RV RL Best Of Sudden Invited Always Tali N Terlizzi
L029226 0 Always The One Always The Choice Carmel Coated Zippo
L030016 2009 Stallion Always The Range Ziprageous Zippos Pretty Kelly Rhonda Malone/Jane Backes
L006228 2003 Gelding Always The Talk Always The Choice Zips Sweet Talker Kimberly Ann Guenther
L098435 2020 Mare Always Time To Dance All Ways The One Timing Is Everything Amy Heath
L068402 2018 Gelding Always Unforgettable Un Forgettable Mydetailsaremissing Taylor Petrie
L059690 2016 Mare Always Up To No Good Willybuptonogood Endless Breeze Brickham Quarter Horses LLC
L054858 2015 Mare Always Victorious Good Terms Hotroddin Violet Amy E Engelskirger
L067982 2018 Gelding Always Wanna Be Cool LL Cool Bay Always Invite Holly Katie L Grossnickle
L120113 2015 Gelding Always Wanted Cabardino Reverie Lane Daydream Believer Andrea Corvari 900219000569919 14.2
L071027 2017 Gelding Always Wear Red VS Code Red Shes Always The Talk Penny Daigler
L132636 2023 Mare Always Willy Wild Makin Me Willy Wild Cute As Always Elizabeth A Bartlow
L125588 2017 Mare Always Wondering Allocate Your Assets Sky Blue Wonder Julie O'Brien
L109040 2015 Gelding Alwaysgotmyjerseyon Yellow Jersey Always Gotyer Gunsup Breana K Carsey
L076230 2012 Gelding Alwaysgotmyshineon Smart And Shiney Always Gotyer Gunsup Kerri C Davies
L051692 2014 Mare Alwaysinthemoonlite Only In The Moonlite Always The Lady Julianne B Hornig
L044084 2009 Gelding Alwaysshootinblanks RL Best Of Sudden Always Invite Holly Loretta S Grossnickle
L078728 2020 Stallion Alwayswillywillygood Winnies Willy Always Be Good Whitney Marie Fenna
L125336 2022 Stallion Alwayz Like This Allocate Your Assets Eyewokeuplikethis Katherine K and G W Tobin
L030017 2005 Mare Alwaz Sumpin Special Always The Choice Shez Jet Black Brenda Rider
L030018 2007 Gelding Alwyzntheprinzplzofis I Got Charisma Little Miss Zipple Cynthia M Rasmussen
L099026 2009 Mare Aly Cat Tactical Cat Sendar Light Meredith Carpenter
L116639 2012 Mare Alymar's Mad Love Saint Midas Touch Gold Eilah Rayne Epstein 933000120165025
L067219 2018 Mare AM Battin My Lashes Batt Man One Cylinder Short Allison R Hudson
L135782 2021 Gelding Am Good Speedster Gunner Dun It Again Stax Diamond Cutter Katja Hauser
L027741 2012 Mare Am I Willy Invited Good I Will Be Invite Me To Prom Cathy Guest
L067220 2018 Gelding AM Lopin So Good The Lopin Machine Candy Cane Version Emma Dale
L067221 2018 Mare Am Made Hot Machine Made One Hot Rumors Lana Knap
L030019 2010 Mare AM Radio The Radio Flyer Victory Hunt Frank or Melanie Larrabee
L118366 2008 Gelding Amadeus Z Air Jordan Z Utopia Halley Rebelo 967000001420748
L081616 2016 Gelding Amant Castelano Amanda Elizabeth Jacobs 203010033021742
L077127 2007 Gelding Amar Undocumented Undocumented Karen Kogon 911001001446234 15.3 3/4
L104025 2006 Gelding Amaretas Armats Fiba Kathryn De Caster Skolaski 276097202140051
L059921 2016 Gelding Amarillo By Moonlite Only In The Moonlite Miss Zippo Chex Estelle McParlan
L100349 2015 Gelding Amarillo By Morning Acord III U-Retaxer Elizabeth Chapel 981020000456755
L103137 2014 Gelding Amaro Cassini I Undocumented Brianna Leone 203010033012511
L083352 2011 Gelding Amaro Z Azteca VDL Imara II Heyday Investments LLC 528210002341678
L116471 2009 Gelding Amaroso Amorex Wanderfee Brianna Mckinney 981020019037471
L116518 2014 Gelding Amaze Me Quaterback Wirbelwind Janice Rudnick 276020000412565
L001932 2007 Stallion Amazin Zippos Old Gold Some Like It Hotshot Janette Ames
L030020 2012 Mare Amazin Dream A Dream Remembered Suddenly A Miracle Kaitlyn Renne Smith
L076777 2005 Mare Amazing Pablo Van Berkenbroeck Volante Reilly Gogul 528210000777300
L002885 2010 Mare Amazing Assets Allocate Your Assets Anny Get Your Guns Barbara Liska
L049249 2013 Mare Amazing Gold Chip A Gift Of Gold Chips Elegant Lady Mary Brantsen
L117494 2004 Mare Amazing Grayce Weshaam Tracy's Charming Long Creek Farms 965000000355723
L058154 2016 Stallion Amazing Machine Good Machinery Abby Pine Bar Jane Backes
L116128 2015 Gelding Amazing Stitchuation Amazing Bonneval Trina Green 276020000397324
L104760 2016 Gelding Amazing Vaquero Theamazinggunslinger Amazem Thomas W Spicer Sr
L134096 2018 Mare Amazingly Lopin Lazy Loper Amazingly Good Ruuna-remmi Oy
L066406 2016 Gelding Amazingly Wise Investing Wisely Amazingly Good Julia Mosbrugger
L072587 2019 Gelding Amazon Prime Gone Viral Moonlite Ventures Lynne and Tami Denman
L077253 2005 Gelding Ambassador Ginus Idole Van De Heffinck Melissa Donnelly 528210000719734
L116320 2006 Gelding Ambassador Acord III Lecassinia De Amy Rose Kliewer 981020023301533 16.1 1/2
L077106 2011 Gelding Ambassador Van Berkenbroek Z Arko III Adana Ja Z Ina McNichols 967000009313707
L101175 2012 Gelding Ambiance Florestan I Qualitaet Sadie Furr 276020000236207
L080538 2008 Mare Ambienta S Boritas Top Girl S DS Holdings LLC 982000407594472
L131116 2023 Mare Amble One Hot Krymsun Suddenly Easytoamble Jane Backes
L088773 2012 Gelding Amble Ona Hot Chip Extremely Hot Chips Amble Ona Zippo Madison Hammon
L064063 2017 Mare Amble Up N Kiss Me Kissin The Girls Inviting Amble John Carpenter
L001933 2006 Gelding Amble With Ease A Good Machine Zippos Amblin Easy Linda Ball Sargent
L006250 2007 Gelding Amble With Potential Certain Potential Zippos Amblin Easy Ann Schorr
L052837 2015 Stallion Amblin One Hot Krymsun Suddenly Easytoamble Kay C Sullivan
L062238 2017 Mare Amblin A Double Huntin For Chocolate Suddenly Easytoamble Matt & Jamie Brown
L055300 2012 Mare Amblin Down Under HF Somethin Hot Amblin Good N Easy Jordan Davis
L051373 2014 Gelding Amblin For Certain Certain Potential Inviting Amble Mike and/or Lynn Carr
L006252 2001 Mare Amblin Good N Easy A Good Machine Amble Easy Jordan Davis
L006253 2002 Gelding Amblin Impulsion Impulsions Zippos Amblin Easy Andrea Franulovich
L030021 2007 Mare Amblin Krymsun Rose One Hot Krymsun Amblin Rose Terry R/Jacqueline Morgan
L085064 2003 Gelding Amblin Max Amblin Asset Sterling Tudor Kristin Roberts
L060070 2013 Stallion Amblin Potential Certain Potential Amblin Machine Trudy Soechting
L131115 2023 Stallion Amblin Slow Good A Good Machine Suddenly Easytoamble Jane Backes
L054598 2015 Gelding Amblin So Lazy Lazy Loper Amblin Machine Beckie Kerins-Peskin
L111816 2016 Gelding Ambrose Artist GF Lexi Gabi Horses LLC 933000320468531
L071872 2019 Gelding Amechanicaladvantage Mechanic An Obvious Flair Kimberlie Davenport
L126542 2022 Mare Amelia Airheart The Mile High Club Naturally Sure Paul I Thurston
L118576 2007 Mare Amelia Earhart Chacos Lotta Overlook Emily Luisa Hill 981020023219432
L109992 2013 Gelding Amen Corner Quarterback Wicke Bethany Wylesbickel 276020000180713
L083591 2020 Mare Amen Sister Lopin Lazy Sly Sister Lisa Beth Novacek
L086522 2004 Gelding Amendment 15 Paramount Botonik Clare Pearsall Friedlander 981020019551348 16.3 3/4
L110722 2010 Gelding America Ogano Sitte Orberose Du Gord Diana Cummings 967000009184539 16.0
L122483 2021 Gelding American Artifact DGS Theentertainer Dgstryandduplicateme Dana L Toebben
L076317 2000 Mare American Express Exsar American Pie Gabrielle Adams 933000220018319
L063668 2017 Stallion American Goods Zippos Mr Good Bar Krymsun Hot Invite Todd R Michael
L132467 2023 Mare American Heartbreak Heart Stoppin/VQH Heart Stoppin Who Is Invited Evergreen Valley Farm & Stable
L044085 2010 Mare American Hunny Huntin For Chocolate Zee Elegant Zipper Julie Despino
L083023 2016 Gelding American Luxury Freedom Child Dance For Jan Brittany Tice 981020019332136
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