Horse Lookup

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L076074 2020 Stallion SRF Stonewashed Jeanz Its All In My Jeans Awesomes Smokey Babe Rosemary Dvorak
L110435 2010 Gelding Sri Undocumented Undocumented Jennifer Murphy 981020023401516
L116231 2011 Gelding Sriracha Silvano Desert Rose Katharine Cooper Arnold 981020019580125
L108376 2015 Mare Sriracha Kitty Peppered Cat Yer Woman Teagan Tanner 840003132237721
L104081 2011 Gelding SRS Picasso Passion God Mother Susan Martin 372141407033591
L124481 2015 Gelding SS Goldschlager Smart Spook Dun Its Black Gold Delaney Jordyn Brown
L117947 0 Mare SS Ituana Undocumented Undocumented
L133452 2021 Gelding SS Little Rock Ruf Lil Magnum Wimpys New Pal Kathy L Nelms
L133926 2020 Mare SS Lookwutumademedoo Shiners Voodoo Dr Aleena Starlight WC Commodities DBA - Bar 54 Quarter Horses
L122898 2004 Gelding SS Lucky Willy Too Wimpy Two Jack SS Lucky Dot Sydni Loose
L116178 2017 Gelding SS Pacco Cornet Du Lys Oriana II Kristiina Claffee 981032100013796
L135516 2020 Stallion SS Pity Tha Fool Shiners Voodoo Dr Foolish Little Step Clara Tracy
L065239 2018 Mare SS Rocknhardplace The Rock Cyndi Loper Ron Settles
L068879 2016 Gelding SS Sneakin Chocolate CR Good Machine MPH Macs Good N Pleny Alivia Strouth
L136249 2021 Gelding SS Walk The Line Wimpys Little Step Aledo Advance Jordan Taylor Martin
L129346 2019 Gelding SS Westside A Sparkling Vintage Lenas Whizabelle Todd Vaughan
L034038 2007 Gelding SSS Cool Invitation The Invitation Suddenly McCool Jenna Lubrino
L085742 2018 Gelding SSS True Story/True Story John Simon Shes Better By Choice Monica Anderson
L131956 2023 Mare SST Bay Babe Nite Moves Whiskee Glasses Steven and Susan Thompson
L059479 2016 Stallion SST Billy Ray Nite Moves Lopins Dream Cindy Furgerson
L126991 2022 Mare SST Biscuit At Nite Nite Moves KM Suddenfriedchikin Steven and Susan Thompson
L131945 2023 Mare SST Biscuitwithhoney SST Festus KM Suddenfriedchikin Steven and Susan Thompson
L064807 2018 Gelding SST Blazing Moves Nite Moves Dream On Blaze Steven and Susan Thompson
L053826 2015 Stallion SST Bolt Blazing Hot Return To Radical Kelly Ihde
L131944 2023 Stallion SST Bubbles RL Best Of Sudden Lareina Steven and Susan Thompson
L131946 2023 Mare SST Buttermy Biscuit Nite Moves KM Suddenfriedchikin Steven and Susan Thompson
L111263 2021 Mare SST Candy Girl The Lopin Machine Certainly Starstruck Cheryl Schembri
L062310 2017 Mare SST Cant Sleepatnite Nite Moves Lopins Dream Steven and Susan Thompson
L062311 2017 Mare SST Certainly Hot Blazing Hot Certainly Inspired Steven and Susan Thompson
L064808 2018 Gelding SST Certainly Lazy Lazy Loper Certainly Inspired Adelynn Fisher
L131953 2023 Stallion SST Certainly Nothin Nothin But Nett SST Sheza Hulk Steven and Susan Thompson
L072103 2019 Gelding SST Cocky Rocky VS Code Red Lopins Dream Laurel Summer Brittain
L053819 2015 Mare SST Cotton Candy Nite Moves Lopins Dream Michelle L Walters
L062309 2017 Mare SST Feel The Heat Nite Moves Dream On Blaze Michael Cole Welch
L076195 2020 Stallion SST Feelin Groovy VS Flatline Certainly Starstruck Eric Williams
L053820 2015 Stallion SST Festus Blazing Hot Certainly Inspired Steven and Susan Thompson
L126990 2022 Gelding SST Fingerlickingood SST Festus KM Suddenfriedchikin Tammy Sanders
L072104 2019 Mare SST Girl Got Moves Nite Moves Dream On Blaze Steven and Susan Thompson
L111135 2021 Stallion SST Godfather RL Best Of Sudden SST Certainly Hot David Shane & Darla Leavell
L111143 2021 Mare SST Gossip Girl Heart Stoppin/VQH Heart Stoppin Diva La Blaze Steven and Susan Thompson
L076197 2020 Mare SST Heart Breakin Heart Stoppin/VQH Heart Stoppin Diva La Blaze Amber Coats
L126980 2022 Gelding SST Heza Country Boy A Scenic Impulse SST Azippin Simone Miranda J Mitten
L064804 2018 Mare SST Hotline Bling Blazing Hot Certainly Starstruck Steven and Susan Thompson
L126982 2022 Stallion SST Ja Mar Certain Potential Weretalkinradical Steven and Susan Thompson
L131954 2023 Mare SST Ladies Nite Out Nite Moves Suddenly Shes Hot Steven and Susan Thompson
L131947 2023 Stallion SST Leroy Boy RL Best Of Sudden SST Certainly Hot Steven and Susan Thompson
L059391 2016 Gelding SST Lollipop Nite Moves Lopins Dream Timothy & MJ Donovan
L126985 2022 Stallion SST Lookin Good Hay Goodlookn Certainly Starstruck Ardy and/or Shelly Germaine
L126994 2022 Gelding SST Lopin Circles Nite Moves Lopins Dream Karissa Rose Tapia
L131957 2023 Mare SST Lopins Last Move Nite Moves Lopins Dream Steven and Susan Thompson
L126987 2022 Gelding SST Love A Nite Cap Nite Moves Whiskee Glasses Pamela Duer
L126984 2022 Gelding SST Magic Mike RL Best Of Sudden Lareina Haylee Nicole Martin
L053822 2015 Mare SST Make It Good Zippos Mr Good Bar A Radical Blaze Steven and Susan Thompson
L076192 2020 Stallion SST Meet At Midnite Nite Moves Lopins Dream LaSusa Lagace LLC.
L053818 2015 Mare SST Moonlite Diva Only In The Moonlite Diva La Blaze Melinda Reiss
L076191 2020 Mare SST Move With Me Nite Moves SST Make It Good Reagan S Dailey
L059509 2016 Stallion SST Nite Lite Fever Nite Moves Weretalkinradical Steven and Susan Thompson
L076190 2020 Mare SST Pretty Lil Lies Nite Moves Suddenly Shes Hot Amy Agostinelli
L062307 2017 Mare SST Radical At Nite Nite Moves A Radical Blaze Steven and Susan Thompson
L053824 2015 Stallion SST Radical Moves Nite Moves A Radical Blaze University of Findlay
L072105 2019 Mare SST Run Around Sue VS Goodride Diva La Blaze Steven and Susan Thompson
L062308 2017 Mare SST She Looks Good Nite Moves CP Flashn Ms Goodbar Ernest Branson
L058921 2016 Mare SST Sheza Hulk Batt Man Certainly Inspired Steven and Susan Thompson
L111130 2021 Stallion SST Slam Dunk RL Best Of Sudden Lareina Steven and Susan Thompson
L131959 2023 Stallion SST Slipp N Slyde RL Best Of Sudden SST Certainly Hot Steven and Susan Thompson
L111139 2021 Mare SST Slo At Batt Batt Man Unconditional Luv Steven and Susan Thompson
L111142 2021 Mare SST Spice Girl The Best Martini SST Certainly Hot Wyatt R Humbert
L053827 2015 Gelding SST Starstruck Only In The Moonlite Certainly Starstruck Katie Rae Krueger
L131948 2023 Stallion SST Struck In Heart Heart Stoppin/VQH Heart Stoppin Certainly Starstruck Steven and Susan Thompson
L076196 2020 Mare SST Sunshine Girl A Scenic Impulse SST Azippin Simone Fritz J Trybus DVM
L126986 2022 Mare SST Sunshine Girl Nite Moves Suddenly Shes Hot A&J Partners
L131958 2023 Stallion SST Talk Of The Town SST Festus KM Suddenfriedchikin Steven and Susan Thompson
L111141 2021 Gelding SST The Nite Runner Nite Moves Radically Classic Robyn Stowell
L131955 2023 Stallion SST The X Factor Machine Made Unconditional Luv Steven and Susan Thompson
L126993 2022 Stallion SST Top Gun Nite Moves Lopins Dream Steven and Susan Thompson
L072106 2019 Mare SST Up All Nite Nite Moves SST Make It Good Jennifer A Austin
L111136 2021 Gelding SST Up N Away VS Flatline Lareina R Donald Rae
L053821 2015 Stallion SST Valentino Nite Moves Weretalkinradical Steven and Susan Thompson
L076194 2020 Mare SST Walkntalkntruluv VS Code Red Certainly Inspired Steven and Susan Thompson
L119541 2009 Gelding St Tropez Stenograph Evita II Dorum Laura Cramer 933000120118932
L117328 2013 Gelding St. Elmo's Fire VDL Douglas Libera Sydney Clarke Mannon 528210002935471 16.2
L117446 2009 Gelding St. Elmo's Fire Zelote VDL Natasia Anna Rose Klee 528210002400253 17.1
L117360 2016 Gelding St. Nick Sailors Spirit Undocumented Olivia Noell Wardell 977200009571121
L116121 2011 Gelding St. Silvester Excalibur Belcanto Linda Lauper Polk 985170002910222
L117761 0 Mare St.Pr.St. Nakada Undocumented Undocumented
L082326 2016 Mare Staccato Sir Wanabi Lacey Jay Olivia Danielle Dillon 933000320003254
L079560 2011 Mare Stacey 17 Stakkato Carla David Miller 276020000046918
L081567 2012 Gelding Stafford Stafford ESC Travella ESC Alexandra O'Toole 276020000047928
L120880 2011 Gelding Stage Light Number One 32 Luna Z Cynthia Ann Locke 276094500156626 15.3 3/4
L104947 2006 Gelding Stairway Stakkato Carisma Michelle Zimmerman 981020037815479
L083188 2003 Mare Stairway To Heaven Amateur Adiermadel Amanda Ney 985111001105408
L100776 2010 Mare Stairway To The Stars Stairway Ulotte Melissa Welker 276020000107986
L101209 2011 Gelding Stakkablue Stakto Out Of Chaco Blue Sherri L Jamison 276020000011231
L110805 2012 Mare Stakkadera Stakkatol Undocumented Redfield Farm 276020000052209
L081927 2012 Gelding Stakkair Undocumented Undocumented Tamas Rasch 276020000166067
L100782 2012 Mare Stakkatisa PS Stakkatol Chaccisa HBC Sport Horses LLC 276020000054355
L117503 2013 Gelding Stakkato Gold Rush Stakkato Gold Dunnia Diane R Thomas 276020000180219
L103774 2013 Gelding Stakki 6 Stakkato Gold Adelaide Gianni Gabrielli 276020000301404
L080063 2008 Gelding Stakko Stakkatal Zoratia Madison Lynn Kondracki 276098102361697
L110444 2010 Gelding Stakko Air Zwei Stakkato P-Faible Fiona Sutton 276020000007240 16.3 1/4
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