Horse Lookup

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L128482 2020 Stallion Spooks A Shiner Too Spooks Gotta Whiz Miss Dynashine Dana Lanning
L136164 2008 Gelding Spooks Baretta Smart Spook Solanos Baretta Megon Smith
L135475 2020 Gelding Spooks Dunit Dream Spooks Gotta Whiz Magnum Chic Dunit Kimberly Marie Slaughter
L085162 2013 Mare Spooks Gota Blonde/My Spooks Gota Blonde Spooks Gotta Gun Top Blonde Gladys R Hellriegel
L133698 2021 Mare Spooks Lil Boss Babe Haidas Lil Gun Cloudy Lee Pine Double TMAC Ranch
L133959 2021 Mare Spooks Lil Lynx Haidas Lil Gun Electroplated Scott and/or Becky Schumann
L075892 2018 Gelding Spooks Lotta Fun Spooks Gotta Gun Top Blonde Lisa Kowalewski
L087081 2017 Gelding Spooks On The Rocks Spooks Gotta Whiz SL Lenas Chick Timothy R Donovan
L135949 2014 Mare Spooks Smart Whiz Spooks Gotta Whiz Smart Kitty Rey Pamela Beckmann
L129532 2020 Gelding Spooks Smokin Gunn Pale Face Dunnit Please Dont Spook Kyrah Bowker
L122542 2019 Gelding Spooky Dare Spooks Gotta Whiz Custom Rythm Michell Anne Kimball
L107808 2010 Gelding Spooky Gunner Colonels Smoking Gun/Colonels Smokingun Stylish N Spooky Carol Kurtz
L132616 2021 Gelding Spooky Jac Jacs Electric Spark Spooks Melody Kim K Vanderwende
L130005 2013 Gelding Spooky Little Whiz Spooks Gotta Whiz Smart N Chexy Lena Angela Rethwisch
L074665 2010 Mare Spooky Melody Smart Spook Malicious Melody Leighton Ortega
L130989 2020 Gelding Spooky Secret Spooks Gotta Whiz Shinners Miss Diamond Lara N Simmons
L104057 2009 Gelding Spooooky Ghost Undocumented Undocumented Samantha Lovell 981020033088907
L054347 2015 Gelding Sport Mode Hes A Cool Hotrod Huntin Perfection Emma Nicole Evitts
L034036 2011 Mare Sportin A Neon Tan Coats N Tails Fun Lovin Luke Kristen Atchley
L089901 2016 Gelding Sportin A Rolex Zippos Gold Rolex Zippos Awesome Allie Carolyn Quigley
L125373 2022 Gelding Sportin Coattails Sportin The Big Iron Top Hats N Tails Taylor Dynek
L078941 2012 Gelding Sportivo Stolzenberg Eluna Caroline Sue Mirts 276020000168802 16.2
L100541 2011 Gelding Sportn'it Wenglo's Ricardo Coelenhages Pamela Redfield Farm 528210004138017 13.2
L022762 1998 Gelding Sports Lounge BSB Big Leaguer Poetic Thoughts (TB) Five Star Performance Horses
L113387 2014 Gelding Sports Mode Acore KF Gina II Royal Crown Stables 985170003061801
L125461 2009 Gelding Sports Model Scooter BB Cutters Candy Boy Sports Model Salli Kaitlynn Paige Hanes
L103666 2005 Gelding Sports News Undocumented Undocumented Madison Shane Karakashian 981020023446965 14.2
L089459 2009 Gelding Sportsfield Skyfall Waldo van Dungen Starofdonickmore Margaret Whisenhunt 372141405287518
L089498 2014 Gelding Sportsfield Trendy Too Future Trend Boney Kelly Tonya Park 372141406030826
L101747 2011 Mare Sporty Cabardino See For Yourself Randi Callahan 985112010199915
L003520 2010 Mare Spot A Good Bar Zips Chocolate Chip Illdoyourheartgood Shelly Burke
L134980 2017 Gelding Spot Dot Com Disavowed Lilbitimpulsive Janina Mueller
L113124 2021 Mare Spot Her In The Night Awesome All Night Too Spotless Lauren Yancey
L068113 2018 Gelding Spot Lightt/Itsme N Thespotlightt Machine Made Beckys Best Penny Daigler
L061424 2009 Gelding Spot Me Anywhere The Ultimate Fancy Coloratura Of Nottway Jennifer A Gartley
L056061 2015 Gelding Spot My Addiction Spot My Blue Boy Calalitious Amy Dawn Story
L059344 2016 Mare Spot My Dimensions Spot My Blue Boy Our New Dimension Tracey Wyman Gust
L081192 2005 Mare Spot On Santee Review Santee Skip Mine Sandra Sams Osterhaus 981020023287218
L074391 2015 Gelding Spot On My Jersey Yellow Jersey Spot On N Sassy Brandi S McGonagill
L055183 2015 Stallion Spot On Rodder Radical Rodder A Pleasure Machine Katherine Joos
L052728 2012 Mare Spot Ones Only Hot Ones Only Guilty Attempt Janel Trammell
L046777 2013 Gelding Spot Vital Signs VS Code Red Only Roses Will Do Jennifer Hart
L063929 2001 Gelding Spot Ya Fifty Will Spot Ya Silken's Promise Raidel Jorgensen
L077065 2009 Gelding Spotify Undocumented Undocumented Alexandra Hendelman 276098102685796
L110010 2014 Gelding Spotless Primary Colors Fleet Wood's Mandolin Holly Lohmann Stello 981020023463000
L107343 2016 Gelding Spotless Gentleman The Gentlemens Club Suddenly Splashed Teaira Tracksell
L108903 2010 Gelding Spotlight For Edition Ginette River Mountain Farm 982009105088573
L075777 2011 Gelding Spots In My Socks Listo Pollito Lena Ruby Fox Amy Dawn Story
L058779 2012 Gelding Spots On My Art Artfully Designed KF Pure Romance Wendy Johnson or Wayne K Johnson
L110704 2021 Mare Spotted Vibrations Just Good Vibes Hoo Spotted The Diva Dinah Licht
L131787 2023 Spottt On Hot N Blazing Pink Irons Dean & Tammy Bogart
L060213 2009 Gelding Spreadinsweetrumorz Sweet Talkin Chip KCS Spreadin Rumorz Emma J Tarter
L090719 2010 Mare Spring Girl Undocumented Undocumented Katie Savarise 981020023307595
L034037 2005 Mare Spring Like Dreams Jollycostum Dream Slick Chick Sally Ted/Dawn Brooks
L062573 2001 Mare Spring Racket Impressive Racket Miss Dandy Roan Jason S Meyer
L123125 2016 Gelding Spruce Hill Banner Boy Gayfields Call The Cops Mortons China Doll Cali Davis 981020033115017 13.2
L083628 2020 Stallion Spunge Bob Hot N Blazing Pink Irons Tammy Schuster Bogart
L118352 2017 Gelding Spur N R Starlight Wranglers And Jac Tear Drop Acre Samantha Tarby
L001562 2008 Gelding Spur Straps RL Best Of Sudden Sweet Talkin Jeannie Rick Meredith
L028855 2010 Mare Spurz N Diamonds Hot N Blazing Sonnys Cool Jazz Courtney Battison
L121978 2014 Gelding Spy Centadel Chaconie Team Eye Candy 276020000168401
L056125 2013 Gelding Spy Machine CR Good Machine Invite Christy Lisa & Jesse Zabski
L131733 2023 Stallion Spydermann Batt Man KM Single Best Bet Trevor Barnes
L005158 2011 Gelding Spydr Spy Good I Will Be IE On The Raise Jean Marie Pickles
L134232 2012 Gelding SQ Skip With Invy Green With Invy Skip Pine Pilot Melanie van Remundt
L129149 2014 Gelding Square Deal Jackson RL Best Of Sudden Square One Zippo Annette Keil
L111999 2016 Mare Squatchingwithlyss Trappe Shot Love Abounds Courtney L Ballantyne 985111001764557
L088864 2004 Gelding Squeak Toy Gold Alert Logical Ensign Deborah Kane 977200009245969
L055074 2015 Gelding Squeeze The Charmin MDR Impulsified/Impulsified Really By Chance Payton Loxton
L074350 2013 Mare Squeezin Da Trigger Spooks Gotta Gun Squeezin Da Juice Cameron Corin Powers
L101516 2008 Gelding Squid Contendro I Delia Chuck & Dana Waters 276020000652874
L063770 2017 Mare Sqwiggle Lazy Loper Lopin Foran Invite Wayne A Burwash DVM
L060344 2006 Mare SR Valentine Bay Starlite Miss Peppy Valentine PLB Investments LLC
L125779 2017 Mare SRA Lotsacoronaritaonice SRA Daltons Dandy TFR Lottsaspots Kenneth J Taube and Mary Lou Taube
L120224 2021 Gelding SRF All In Its All In My Jeans Just Like Ashley Tamsen A Rizzardo
L078255 2020 Stallion SRF All Time Proposal Its All In My Jeans So Sweet Sensation Carli Skinner
L127261 2022 Mare SRF Cinch Down My Crown Riginal Cinch Brand TXs Sheza Tiger Too Sarah Martin or Split Rail Farm
L085709 2015 Gelding SRF Code Of The West The Lone Ranger TXs Sheza Tiger Too Jessica S Wyrosdick
L076074 2020 Stallion SRF Stonewashed Jeanz Its All In My Jeans Awesomes Smokey Babe Rosemary Dvorak
L110435 2010 Gelding Sri Undocumented Undocumented Jennifer Murphy 981020023401516
L116231 2011 Gelding Sriracha Silvano Desert Rose Katharine Cooper Arnold 981020019580125
L108376 2015 Mare Sriracha Kitty Peppered Cat Yer Woman Teagan Tanner 840003132237721
L104081 2011 Gelding SRS Picasso Passion God Mother Susan Martin 372141407033591
L124481 2015 Gelding SS Goldschlager Smart Spook Dun Its Black Gold Delaney Jordyn Brown
L117947 0 Mare SS Ituana Undocumented Undocumented
L133452 2021 Gelding SS Little Rock Ruf Lil Magnum Wimpys New Pal Kathy L Nelms
L133926 2020 Mare SS Lookwutumademedoo Shiners Voodoo Dr Aleena Starlight WC Commodities DBA - Bar 54 Quarter Horses
L122898 2004 Gelding SS Lucky Willy Too Wimpy Two Jack SS Lucky Dot Sydni Loose
L116178 2017 Gelding SS Pacco Cornet Du Lys Oriana II Kristiina Claffee 981032100013796
L135516 2020 Stallion SS Pity Tha Fool Shiners Voodoo Dr Foolish Little Step Clara Tracy
L065239 2018 Mare SS Rocknhardplace The Rock Cyndi Loper Ron Settles
L068879 2016 Gelding SS Sneakin Chocolate CR Good Machine MPH Macs Good N Pleny Alivia Strouth
L129346 2019 Gelding SS Westside A Sparkling Vintage Lenas Whizabelle Todd Vaughan
L034038 2007 Gelding SSS Cool Invitation The Invitation Suddenly McCool Jenna Lubrino
L085742 2018 Gelding SSS True Story/True Story John Simon Shes Better By Choice Monica Anderson
L131956 2023 Mare SST Bay Babe Nite Moves Whiskee Glasses Steven and Susan Thompson
L059479 2016 Stallion SST Billy Ray Nite Moves Lopins Dream Cindy Furgerson
L126991 2022 Mare SST Biscuit At Nite Nite Moves KM Suddenfriedchikin Steven and Susan Thompson
L131945 2023 Mare SST Biscuitwithhoney SST Festus KM Suddenfriedchikin Steven and Susan Thompson
L064807 2018 Gelding SST Blazing Moves Nite Moves Dream On Blaze Steven and Susan Thompson
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