Member Lookup

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ID Name City State Expiration Date Rider Level Status
36875 Taylor Wichman 00/00/00 None
67213 Taylor Wiemers or Debra K Gerber Ruthven IA 12/31/24 None
37164 Taylor Wiles Wooster OH 00/00/00 None
45897 Taylor Willie Mount Airy MD 12/31/22 Youth
22456 Taylor Wilson Nogee New Castle PA 12/31/21 Non-Pro
63600 Taylor Wolken Oskaloosa KS 12/31/24 Non-Pro
31472 Taylor Woodward Madison OH 00/00/00 None
46654 Taylor Wyman Greenfield MA 12/31/24 Non-Pro
62990 Taylor Yilan Chen Needham MA 12/31/22 Youth
45461 Taylor Ziegfeld Franklin TN 12/31/22 Non-Pro
41055 Taylor Zoeller Woodstock GA 12/31/24 Youth
27782 Taylor/Brianna Tuso Allen TX 00/00/00 None
34505 Taylor/Pam Hayden Lebanon IL 00/00/00 None
37995 Tayshawn Thomas 00/00/00 Non-Pro
44626 TD Cravens Gainesville TX 12/31/22 Non-Pro
60783 TDC Farms LLC London OH 12/31/19 None
53258 Teagan DeJong Dorchester ON 12/31/22 Youth
61395 Teagan Martin Evansville IN 12/31/24 Youth
22256 Teagan Shipka St. Albert AB 12/31/08 Youth
52104 Teagan Tanner Rescue CA 12/31/23 Youth
54325 Teague Cottrell Little Rock AR 12/31/22 Youth
79626 Teagyn Roorda 00/00/00
69299 Teah Frazier Akron OH 12/31/22 Open
69202 Teaira Tracksell Borden SK 12/31/23 Youth
25206 Teal K Peterson Grand Island NE 12/31/10 Non-Pro
52492 Teal K Waibel Pine CO 12/31/21 None
71971 Team Eye Candy Wellington FL 12/31/22 None
43573 Team Holling LLC Ocala FL 12/31/21 None
41839 Team Rebecca LLC Gordonsville VA 12/31/21 None
44071 Team Reid LLC Wellington FL 12/31/21 None
41928 Team Weston LLC Tampa FL 12/31/22 None
27972 Teana Phillips Cat Spring TX 12/31/23 Non-Pro
38850 Teara Jean Rieflin Greenwood NE 00/00/00 None
59841 Ted and Gwen Parker Cantonment FL 00/00/00 None
16996 Ted Baker Peyton CO 12/31/98 Open
16356 Ted C/Linda M Sittig Beach Park Il 12/31/98 None
66526 Ted Chancey 00/00/00 None
912 Ted Dr/Amanda Filandrianos Pepperell MA LIFE None
1070 Ted Fauber LIFE None
33352 Ted Foster Calhoun LA 12/31/19 None
41912 Ted Gregory Camden SC 12/31/21 Non-Pro
11995 Ted H Begley, Jr Shirley IN 12/31/07 Non-Pro
15101 Ted Hall Midland MI 12/31/96 Non-Pro
66525 Ted Lucas 00/00/00 None
35315 Ted Mangum Hungerford TX 00/00/00 None
3347 Ted Morgan Thornville OH 12/31/02 Non-Pro
21598 Ted Proctor Meridian ID 12/31/07 Open
35229 Ted R/ Mary Lynn Hunt FARMERSBURG IN 00/00/00 None
13913 Ted Regan Foxworth MS 12/31/94 Open
1104 Ted Reinholtz Colchester CT LIFE None
37976 Ted S Kuczynski Sandy Lake PA 12/31/17 Non-Pro
66524 Ted Sokel 00/00/00 None
6904 Ted Turner Jr Aubrey TX 12/31/25 Open
32866 Ted West Whitesboro TX 12/31/14 None
39510 Ted Zajac / Patricia Ann Lennon 00/00/00 None
729 Ted/Dawn Brooks Marcellus MI LIFE None
31197 Ted/Evelyn West Whitesboro TX 12/31/14 None
20695 Ted/Janet Begley Shurley IN 00/00/00 None
42026 Teddi May Ismond Aiken SC 12/31/21 Non-Pro
69606 Teddie Goffstein St Louis MO 12/31/22 Youth
14821 Teddy Moore Ocala FL 12/31/95 None
47803 Tee Aune Billings MT 12/31/21 None
5617 Teena F Middleton Willow Springs NC 12/31/04 Non-Pro
17723 Teena Lane Penn Yan NY 12/31/99 Open
67001 Teens & Oregon Mustangs Yamhill OR 12/31/21 None
48302 Tegan M McCarty Woodinville WA 12/31/23 Youth
39852 Teghan Alece Brooks Wolfforth TX 12/31/19 Youth
6253 Tehya Wensauer Greene NY 12/31/10 Open
50021 Teigan Franjesh Medina OH 12/31/22 Non-Pro
39464 Telek Kozlowski Port Orange FL 12/31/21 Youth
63205 Tellor Ventures LLC Frisco TX 12/31/23 None
70174 Temple Equestrian LLC 00/00/00 None
45178 Ten Sixty Stables & Co 00/00/00 None
28993 Tena Mann Charlotte NC 12/31/17 None
12851 Tena P Alcini Fort Dodge IA 12/31/13 None
37508 Tene Villanueva Miller Yuma AZ 12/31/24 Non-Pro
31383 Teneil Ziegler Vegreville AB 12/31/13 Non-Pro
50540 Tenielle O'Brien Aubrey TX 12/31/26 Non-Pro
15538 Tenille Weber Millington MI 12/31/96 Non-Pro
63512 TenLee Moat Freedom WI 12/31/24 Youth
68286 Tenley Grimes Nappanee IN 12/31/25 Youth
22946 Tenley Haaby Dexter OR 12/31/08 Open
35068 Tenmile Quarter Horses Macon MO 00/00/00 None
49765 Tennessee Quarter Horse Association 00/00/00 None
45472 Tennessee Sanders Olympia WA 12/31/22 Open
45457 Tennille Kerrigan Pickering ONT 12/31/22 Non-Pro
76582 Tennyson Leigh Keafer Johnstown PA 12/31/24 Youth
51631 Tennyson Marie Halacka 00/00/00 None
49719 Tequestrian Farms LLC Wellington FL 12/31/22 None
31055 Tera Gore Mt Vernon OH LIFE Non-Pro
60284 Tera R Fauver Staunton VA 12/31/24 Open
39120 Tera Sue Barton Peyton CO 12/31/18 None
1586 Tere E Gunderson Ephrata WA 12/31/00 Open
66523 Tere L Rice 00/00/00 None
1188 Terence Profughi Chardon OH LIFE None
6975 Teresa & Rodney Cootes Lantzville BC 12/31/22 None
22908 Teresa Albrici Ridgefield WA 12/31/19 Non-Pro
18539 Teresa Anger Spruce Grove AB 00/00/00 None
5067 Teresa Ann Butts-Worth Pipestem WV 12/31/03 Non-Pro
43819 Teresa Ann Coelho Little Rock AR 12/31/22 Non-Pro
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