Horse Lookup

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L066633 2018 Mare VS Bling Addicted VS Code Red Miss Zippa Lee Scott Kohlmann
L129933 2022 Mare VS Blondes Are Vital A Good Machine Vital Lines Are Red Glover Galyean Partnership LLC
L127115 2022 Gelding VS Blue Chip VS Code Blue Cruisin For Pleasure Dennis Langley
L127124 2022 Stallion VS Blue Da Mechanic VS Code Blue Rockin Barbara Ann Mark or Darby Kakela
L075809 2020 Gelding VS Blue Impulse VS Code Blue Ona Good Impulse Dr Lori Leigh Ward
L062609 2017 Gelding VS Blue Me Away VS Code Blue Lazy Lover Linda A Fetter
L059248 2016 Mare VS Blue Moon Only In The Moonlite VS I Heart You Eric J Felt
L068992 2016 Mare VS Blue Without You VS Code Blue Blazing Rumors Tracy Geahry
L088564 2020 Mare VS Bluie Vuitton VS Code Blue Queen Hot Teefa Mary McKee
L105885 2019 Mare VS Blurred Lines VS Code Red Lope The Line David J or Sherry J Patterson
L076308 2019 Mare VS Borderline VS Goodride Hot Work Of Art Jeff or Tracy Brown
L098682 2017 Mare VS Born This Way Allocate Your Assets Born To Be Vital Lori C Hulbert
L064473 2013 Gelding VS Born To Be Good VS Code Red Manygoodthingstocome Laurie Rutledge
L124297 2022 Gelding VS Bro Code VS Code Blue The Gurl Next Door Brooke Birchard
L134904 2023 Stallion VS Bruce Vein VS Flatline Custom Maid Version Bailey E Rogers
L075974 2020 Stallion VS Call A Code VS Goodride GQ Victorias Secret Cynthia and Craig Polley
L071879 2019 Mare VS Candy Kisses VS Flatline Oh What A Hottie Sid &/or Charlene Johnson
L044714 2012 Mare VS Career Girl VS Code Red Custom Maid Career Robert D Kirkpatrick
L133291 2023 Mare VS Carina VS Goodride Ms Jackie Brown Iowa State University
L071738 2019 Stallion VS Certainlyagoodride VS Goodride Wholelotta Certain Kelly/Tom Duke Penrod
L066493 2018 Mare VS Cha Cha Cha Chia VS Flatline Alota Iota Jennifer Hagen
L063380 2017 Mare VS Change The Code VS Code Red Shes A Krymsun Susan &/or James Smanik
L056033 2015 Gelding VS Check My Impulse VS Code Red Impulsive Revenue Susan Manning
L005225 2009 Mare VS Check My Pulse One Hot Krymsun Vital Signs Are Good Kendra Weis
L072397 2019 Stallion VS Chip Code VS Code Red Sweet N Fancy Chip Larry Taylor/Ashley Lakins
L133226 2023 Mare VS Chip Of Lucy VS Flatline Good N Chipper Linda Beth Sands
L062314 2017 Gelding VS Chiped In Blue VS Code Blue Special T Chip Bridgett C Morrison
L067138 2018 Gelding VS Chocolate Coded VS Code Blue Huntin My Haylo Maria and Carlos Faria
L080331 2019 Mare VS Clear To Shock VS Flatline Chek My Potential Ashley A Spencer
L124513 2022 Stallion VS Code 96 VS Goodride Isnt She Charming Charity Reisman
L107346 2021 Mare VS Code A Chrome VS Code Blue Dont Skip Dorothy Karen Andrews
L005226 2011 Gelding VS Code Bleu VS Code Red Always Sensational Tene Villanueva Miller
L005227 2007 Stallion VS Code Blue RL Best Of Sudden Vital Signs Are Good Katherine K and G W Tobin
L124118 2019 Gelding VS Code Bravo VS Code Red Shes Inviting John E Gill
L128457 2020 Gelding VS Code Cool VS Code Red Aint She The Zip John A and Clea Bobbitt
L065058 2015 Mare VS Code Diva Alert VS Code Blue Notice My Glow Jean Martha Buchmann
L072473 2019 Gelding VS Code Dream VS Code Blue Defending The Dream Margie Kay Erdly
L070730 2018 Mare VS Code Elegance VS Code Red Elegant Example Lorine Rich
L047867 2012 Gelding VS Code Extreme VS Code Red Twin River Toni M Ward
L065479 2018 Mare VS Code Gold VS Code Blue Thou Art Enough Deborah Bush
L078384 2020 Stallion VS Code Good VS Code Blue Bella B Good Stan &/or Mary Kay Steyskal
L073462 2019 Stallion VS Code Hugh VS Code Blue Kissed In The Dark Libby Trucco
L071263 2019 Stallion VS Code Machine VS Code Blue Mistery Machine Judith M English
L049489 2013 Stallion VS Code Maroon VS Code Red Hot Chip Investment Taylor Kungle
L122474 2021 Mare VS Code Me Absolute VS Goodride Absolute Jersey Girl Rachel Grace Devet
L049509 2013 Mare VS Code Me Lucky VS Code Red Bettin With My Heart Mr and Mrs William M Wilkes
L072531 2019 Mare VS Code Me N Flowers VS Code Red Flowers R A Good Bet Dr Roland Wohlin
L066137 2017 Gelding VS Code Of Gold VS Code Red Zip In Trouble Brittany Morgan
L062940 2016 Mare VS Code Of Grace VS Code Red A Krymsun Lady Karen B Mondini
L049460 2013 Mare VS Code One VS Code Blue Miss Passer Jason A Heumann
L003714 2011 Mare VS Code Pink VS Code Red Fancy Goldbonanza/Fancy Gold Bonanza Rebecca J Maurer
L004529 0 Stallion VS Code Red Blazing Hot Vital Signs Are Good Katheryn Van Slyke
L051824 2014 Stallion VS Code Red Classic VS Code Red Flapper Gal Mary P Ingerson
L112840 2021 Gelding VS Code Roan VS Cracked The Code Foxxy Machine/A Foxy Machine Hunter Ivan Danke
L129387 2023 Mare VS Code Talker VS Code Blue No Doubt I Blaze Sharon L Ottman
L054043 2015 Gelding VS Code Theodore/VS Code Ted VS Code Red Shesa Real Pleasure Pamela Becker
L054045 2015 Mare VS Code Victoria VS Code Red Shesa Real Pleasure Shelly Phalen
L049650 2014 Stallion VS Code White VS Code Red Absolutely Stylish Emily England
L063302 2017 Mare VS Coded A Chip VS Code Red Truly A Zips Chip Dr Roland Wohlin
L071608 2019 Mare VS Coded Candy VS Code Blue Rocksolid Investment Garry and Peggy Lyons
L063968 2017 Gelding VS Coded N Chrome VS Code Red Docs Bo Elegance Jo Ellen Sherow
L050233 2014 Stallion VS Coded Right VS Code Red A Good N Plenty Greg and Faye Little
L052324 2014 Gelding VS Cold Hearted VS Flatline Cool Lookin Lady Richard and Elise Cognetti
L128028 2022 Stallion VS Complete Pleasure VS Code Blue The Baby Machine Janet Thorley
L074699 2017 Gelding VS Conclusion VS Flatline Shesa Sparkle Girl Catheren Helen Trainor
L132856 2023 Mare VS Cool Chocolate VS Code Red Ima A Cool Chocolate/Ima Cool Chocolate Superior Care Management LLC
L134964 2023 Mare VS Cool Like Me VS Code Red Just Cool Movin Todd R Michael
L135854 2023 Mare VS Cool Ryde VS Goodride Potential Heartbrker Patty Morrison
L077985 2020 Mare VS Coroana N Lime VS Code Blue Hot N Sassy Zippo Michelle M Lyle
L131351 2023 Mare VS Corsa Red VS Code Red Only En La Moonlite Carmen Ross
L032957 2012 Gelding VS Costar Blazing Hot Vital Signs Are Good Renee Benoit-Shandley
L054383 2015 Mare VS Covergirl VS Code Red Custom Maid Career Jeff Morgenstern
L130483 2022 Mare VS Covergirl VS Cracked The Code Covergirl By Design Caitlin Kernan
L076311 2020 Mare VS Covid Blue VS Code Blue Invitation To Grace Brenda K Gribble
L065987 2018 Stallion VS Cowboy Blue VS Code Blue Mc Chick Linda Patron
L062383 2017 Mare VS Cowgirl Code VS Code Blue A Simply Hot Cowgirl Chelsea Walker
L104369 2020 Stallion VS Cracked His Genes VS Cracked The Code Impulse To Flirt Jerry E Laumer
L056083 2015 Stallion VS Cracked The Code VS Code Red Rhapsody Inthe Breez Jerry E Laumer
L062210 2014 Gelding VS Crash Cart VS Code Red Zizzles Hot Impulse Brielle Grote
L098723 2020 Mare VS Crazy Good Ride VS Goodride Crazy Good Time Kenny Hoffman
L058911 2016 Gelding VS Cruisin Blue VS Code Blue Step Out With Sheik Thomas Clopp
L027604 2012 Stallion VS Cruisin N Red VS Code Red Real Cruise Chip Jesslyn L Bartholome
L131222 2023 Stallion VS Cruzin In Blue VS Code Blue Shezhotforchocolate Dean or Kristina Goodall
L070693 2019 Stallion VS Curious George VS Code Red Machine Gun Millie/Love A Good Time Brittney Mellor Barr
L059298 2016 Gelding VS D Coded VS Code Red Estee Be First Mary Ellen Cerny
L049936 2014 Gelding VS Da Vinci Code VS Code Red Z Z Honey Bee Amanda Macklem
L123717 2021 Stallion VS Dark And Vital No Doubt Im Lazy VS Lady In Red Big Rock Farms LLC
L122017 2018 Mare VS Design Line VS Flatline Zips Dynamic Design Shelly Thorburn-O'Donnell
L076155 2020 Mare VS Designer Style VS Flatline Lookin Good N Gray Erin R Roberts
L058294 2016 Mare VS Docs On Call VS Code Blue Ificud Turnback Time Janet Lynn Smith
L076111 2016 Gelding VS Dr Feel Good VS Code Red Who Invited Lazy Kandee Jones-Doetsch
L027603 2012 Mare VS Dream Angel VS Code Red Sheza Principle Win Jesslyn L Bartholome
L108955 2020 Gelding VS Dress Code VS Code Red Party Dress Karla Louise Lund Oelsner
L127996 2020 Gelding VS Dress Code VS Code Red MM Dressed Lika Lady Michelle L Coulter
L125880 2019 Gelding VS Dun Smokin Reds VS Code Red Shesa Smokin Memory Jeanne Locarnini
L124004 2021 Gelding VS Emergency Hotline Dial My Hotline Sassy Kisses Michele B Nabet
L071709 2019 Mare VS Enjoy The Ride VS Goodride My Only Impulse Alexa J McGraw
L076198 2020 Stallion VS Extra Version VS Flatline Monicas Version Tim Delf
L064211 2017 Mare VS Fancy VS Code Red Oh So Pine Eric S Turner
L107139 2021 Mare VS Fancy Like VS Goodride My Only Impulse Carli Ann Mellick
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