Horse Lookup

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  • In the search box enter any part of the Horse Name, ID, Sire, Microchip, Owner's Name, City or State.
  • Clicking on the column headers will results in the order-by changing the table layout.

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L055168 2015 Mare VS Fashion Show VS Code Red Imagen Me Dancing Kate Upton
L060127 2016 Gelding VS Feel The Heat VS Flatline The Good Girl Rocks Kimberly A Nuccio
L066514 2018 Gelding VS Final Addiction VS Flatline JDS Lil Script Sandra M Paris
L123616 2021 Mare VS Fine Wine N Roses VS Code Red A Certain Dynastar Kaylyn Kucera
L067389 2018 Gelding VS Fire N Ice VS Code Blue One Radical Girl Woulds Way LLC
L055065 2015 Gelding VS First In Line VS Flatline Regals Elegant Asset Teresa Overbaugh Pankau
L053806 2015 Gelding VS First Responder VS Code Blue Zippos Black Pearl Kay-Lynn Huffaker
L123721 2021 Gelding VS First To Flatline VS Flatline VS The First Lady Michael B Rapley
L064834 2013 Gelding VS Flashin Cash VS Code Red Im Darlins Delight Cissy Robinson
L133001 2020 Mare VS Flashlite XS VS Code Red Im Especially Lazy Christel Rumler
L055954 2015 Mare VS Flashy In Gold VS Code Red Flashys Final Act Kathryn Schloer
L134977 2023 Gelding VS Flat Out A Legend VS Flatline Kings Legendary Lady Nicole Torch
L064088 2017 Gelding VS Flat Out Cool VS Flatline Cool Krymsun Lady Stable Strides Farm Inc
L071897 2019 Mare VS Flat Out Good VS Flatline Good Margarita Lonnie K Annas
L075625 2020 Mare VS Flat Out Of Cash VS Flatline Miss Slot Machine Janet Lynn Smith
L074907 2020 Mare VS Flat Out Rockin VS Flatline Zip By And Flash Me Fritz J Trybus DVM
L073972 2019 Gelding VS Flat Out Savvy VS Flatline Good N Moxie Linda J Herrick
L050398 2014 Stallion VS Flat Outta Chips VS Flatline Hot Casino Chip Rodney Sawyer
L027675 2010 Stallion VS Flatline Lazy Loper Vital Signs Are Good Chandler Marks
L073479 2019 Mare VS Flatout Gorgeous VS Flatline Absolutely Satin Jim E Bennett
L107900 2019 Gelding VS For Certain VS Code Red A Peach For Certain Melissa A Albinger
L064399 2017 Mare VS Forever Yours VS Code Red Only And Forever Dr Dennis Whitsell
L053227 2015 Gelding VS Fully Revived VS Flatline The Sweetest Version Ali Hubbell
L054738 2012 Gelding VS Game Changer Radical Rodder Vital Signs Are Good Katherine K Tobin
L122171 2021 Gelding VS Game Of Roans VS Code Blue Redneck Janie Jessica Stremich
L055418 2015 Mare VS Girl Code VS Code Blue Norfleets Lucky Dee Jennifer Eden
L120994 2021 Mare VS Girl Code VS Code Blue Absolutely Peachy Meagan M Dean
L123456 2021 Mare VS Girl In Red VS Code Red Presidential Girl Carrie Taylor
L129851 2020 Mare VS Girls Code VS Code Blue A Girls Nite Out Michele Tucker
L067001 2017 Stallion VS Goin Down Rockin VS Code Red Investinalexus Austin A Scholl
L124002 2021 Mare VS Gold Leaf Martini The Best Martini VS Flashy In Gold Megan C Walker
L134897 2023 Stallion VS Gold Standard VS Code Red Krymsun In Disguise Lynne M Keener
L134782 2022 Stallion VS Gona Be Blue Red Blues Excited VS Gonna Be A Star Marjolein Bakker-Van Zanden
L129740 2022 Mare VS Gone Vital Gone Viral VS Lady In Red Kristen N Galyean
L072515 2019 Gelding VS Good All The Time VS Flatline Really A Good Time Thomas S Spork
L112815 2021 Gelding VS Good Cowboy VS Goodride Dreamin For A Cowboy Sharon Furtado/Jean C Western
L128198 2020 Gelding VS Good Guy VS Goodride Shez As Good As Gold Stephanie Y Kofu
L128721 2022 Mare VS Good Imagination VS Goodride Fleets Imagination Rita Hankins
L099506 2020 Gelding VS Good Machine VS Goodride Rvcertifiablemachine Randy Hawkins
L076512 2020 Gelding VS Good Moonlite VS Code Red Adelightfulmoon Kelly A Gross
L118680 2021 Gelding VS Good To Be Red VS Code Red Never On Impulse Paula Bailey Nelson
L055627 2015 Stallion VS Goodall In Blue VS Code Blue Shezhotforchocolate Riverside Ranch/Cindy McCraw
L111290 2021 Mare VS Goodmiss Gracious VS Goodride Sonny Eyed Invester Janet A Ross
L053531 2015 Stallion VS Goodride VS Flatline Goodygoody Gumdrops Katherine K and G W Tobin
L072477 2019 Gelding VS Got A Line VS Flatline My Invitation Is Dun Patrick Ramsey
L065583 2016 Mare VS Got A Rhythm VS Flatline Im Designer Chocolate Lyla McCormick
L078355 2020 Stallion VS Got Nuthin On Me VS Flatline A Wee Bit Toasted Deborah M Spork
L099638 2020 Mare VS Guardian Angel VS Code Red Lope The Line Patti Greene
L044039 2013 Mare VS Heart Stopper Lazy Loper VS Check My Pulse Laurie C TeWinkle
L053536 2013 Mare Vs Heartbreaker VS Code Red Miss Caitlyns Cookies Casey-Mae Johnson
L131776 2023 Mare VS Hearts On Fire VS The Fireman MNZ Lil Heartbreaker Julie Huppe
L119671 2021 Gelding VS Heartthrob Kid VS Total Heartthrob I Kid You Not Lisa A Tyler
L099641 2020 Mare VS Here I Come VS Code Red Lookouthereicome Glover Galyean Partnership LLC
L053558 2015 Gelding VS Heres Your Sign Blazing Hot Vital Signs Are Good Lynn A Coulter
L027635 2012 Gelding VS Highroller VS Code Red Sweet Talkin Jeannie Elizabeth Lauren Marmor
L119842 2021 Mare VS Honey Im Good VS Goodride Can U Dance Honey Khloe Mae Miller
L130219 2023 Mare VS Honor Code VS Flatline Lilys Little Zippo Jamie Lynn Niernberger
L098752 2020 Gelding VS Hot Mamba VS Flatline I Will Be Hot Heather Van Hooser
L098428 2014 Mare VS Hot Mess VS Code Red Elegant Dimension Caitlin Hull
L058528 2016 Gelding VS Hot Red Lincoln VS Code Red Astellarminuteinblue Wendy Lea Dinesen
L054743 2015 Mare VS Hot Stuff VS Flatline Radical Zip Code Anthony Cimino
L050911 2014 Mare VS Hotline VS Flatline Hot Flert Dennis W Robinson
L127409 2022 Gelding VS Huntin A Goodride VS Goodride Strutin And A Huntin Tyson Anderson
L053317 2015 Stallion VS Huntin The Code VS Code Red Huntin For Kisses Clay E MacLeod
L061202 2016 Gelding VS Huntinforblue VS Code Blue Huntin My Haylo Richard and Debbie Stroup
L134654 2019 Gelding VS Hustlin The Blues VS Code Blue Tas Blue Hustler Molly Wege
L067312 2018 Gelding VS I Am Blue VS Code Blue Invited I Am Nicole E Worth
L071187 2019 Stallion VS I Bleed Blue VS Code Blue RR Cant Invite Me Todd Hentschel
L050623 2014 Mare VS I Love Lilly VS Flatline Fudgealicious Sue Bercher
L048866 2012 Mare VS I Love You VS Code Red Miss Julias Child Michele L Bogucki
L132510 2021 Gelding VS I Love You VS Total Heartthrob PS Sign Off Bailey Kolb
L068075 2018 Mare VS I Luv Lucy VS Code Blue Misty Eyed Invite Eric E Petry
L073457 2019 Mare VS ICU VS Flatline One Hot Classy Renae Sharon Brubaker
L064721 2017 Mare VS Im A Hot Code Red VS Code Red Kiss My Cuervo Richard Hearting
L050409 2014 Stallion VS Im Awesome VS Flatline Misters Awesome Lady Shaylene Hennigan
L071764 2019 Mare VS Im Captivated VS Code Red Captive Investment Anne Demirjian
L066929 2018 Gelding VS Im Dun VS Flatline My Invitation Is Dun Patrick Ramsey
L123537 2022 Stallion VS Im Flatout Good VS Flatline Catcha Good Chip Amanda Baker Childers
L062030 2017 Stallion VS Im Gold VS Flatline Zippos Gold Dream Marie Eve Gagnon
L062033 2017 Mare VS Im Hot VS Flatline Red Hot Promotion Penny Daigler
L072361 2019 Mare VS Im Lucky Too VS Code Red Bettin With My Heart Mr and Mrs William M Wilkes
L132857 2023 Stallion VS Im No Doubts No Doubt Im Lazy Vital Signs R Stable Superior Care Management LLC
L052534 2015 Mare VS Im So Fancy VS Code Red Fancy Goldbonanza/Fancy Gold Bonanza Kristy Lynn Rospert
L126589 2022 Mare VS Im Sugar Coated VS Cracked The Code Meet Me Atta Club Bridgitte A Cerasale
L126969 2022 Mare VS Im The Best Faceit Ima Version VS Prim N Proper Sara Phillips
L058889 2016 Gelding VS Im Urs N Ur Mine VS Code Red Hours Yours And Mine Hope Elizabeth Prickett
L076096 2017 Gelding VS Ima Cool Red VS Code Red Suddenly Cool Zippo Dulce Lovell
L086880 2020 Gelding VS Imma Good Ride VS Goodride Do You Know Who I Am Mariah C C Peake
L134586 2024 Stallion VS Impulsive Fireman VS The Fireman Beautiful Impulse Roni L Murphy
L066035 2017 Mare VS Init To Winit VS Heartthrob Init For Me Nicole Seehafer
L125310 2020 Mare VS Invested In Red VS Code Red Absolutes Satin Doll Libbie L Shell
L054250 2015 Mare VS Irish Cowgirl VS Code Blue A Simply Hot Cowgirl Ella Kuchta
L074784 2020 Gelding VS Iron Code VS Cracked The Code Naturally Grays Full Amy Hassinger
L061076 2014 Mare VS Its Just Me VS Code Red RR Its Just Me Pinnacle Quarter Horses LLC
L059082 2016 Mare VS Iwana Talkbout Me VS Flatline Fantasyzed Amber Fowler
L073954 2019 Mare VS Joy Ride VS Goodride Paint Me Valentine/R Secret Valentine Morgan Alexander Weisser
L122031 2021 Gelding VS Joy Ryde VS Goodride Impulsive Revenue Andrea P Klaus
L050157 2014 Stallion VS Kick Start Myheart VS Code Red Really By Chance Tina Langness
L126973 2022 Gelding VS Kickstart Myheart VS Code Red Absolutely A Goodbar Elise S Burrows
L062485 2017 Mare VS Kiss My Assets VS Code Red Prissy Asset Spearhead Ranch LLC
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